

New dock lines

I bought new 3 strand nylon 3/4″ dock line, which I had spliced by a guy at the store I bought it from. When I got it back I saw that he had finished the splices and cut ends with electrical tape. Not very yar… I removed the electrical tape […]


Furniture expansion

I suppose I’ll jump back into things with an update on my interior situation.  I realize that every time I make an update to this blog I talk about how late and overdue the post is, so from now on please just know this is the case.  I have been […]


Slow and steady wins the race

Another several weeks have flown by without an update on ‘ol Creeky, but that’s not because I haven’t been making progress.  I’ve just been cranking away at things little by little as time has allowed.  Every night when I get home from work I try to make some headway on […]

General Updates, Projects

Summer in the city

Well I’m finally getting back into the swing of things.  It still astounds me how quickly free time is depleted once the weather warms up.  Since my last post there have been a lot of distractions; planning a trip to Vietnam, getting 99% of the rest of my belongings out of […]


Forward motion (figuratively)

Well I finally got in touch with Konrad at West Mekan in Norway and got a little more information on the controllable pitch propeller, mostly in Norwegian.  The Adobe PDF text recognition didn’t work, so I need to manually type all of the text in the first document into google […]