

Prop-shaft removal: cleaning

Took me all day to remove barnacles from the propeller blades and grease from the brass pieces of the prop shaft (including tons of small ball bearings). I soaked the blades in water and Simple Green for about 20 minutes and then scrubbed the barnacles off with sand paper. So […]


More reading, more math, more fun!

First off, many thanks to Big Tom for extending his expertise and sharing his personal library of boatbuilding literature with me.  At this point I certainly can’t say that I lack sufficient boatbuilding references to figure out what I need to.  The bigger problem is finding the information I need […]


Mast installation

Over the past year I’ve learned lot’s about yacht design, rigging forces, and boating in general.  There have been some bumps in the road, but overall its been a lot of steady progress.  I spent much of last winter reading every textbook I could get my hands on that even […]


Mast Step continued…

Where was I?  Mast step.  Right.  As I may have mentioned in prior posts Creeky came with a lot of important parts and loads of potential, but very little in the way of instructions.  Most of the time this is great because I get to use my imagination and come […]


Minor update – mast step

I had given up on the idea of being able to adjust the position of the mast step with the mast in place until Charlie suggested cutting a small access hole in the foot of the mast. I was nervous at first, but it seems like a solid move. Boom! […]