Author: Brendan

General Updates

Creeky lives!

So thanks to even more help from my friends I had another really productive weekend aboard Creeky, including my first sleepover on it with Jennilee, who again is the best girlfriend ever.  It went something like this: Me: So, I didn’t quite get the head hooked up and pumped out […]

General Updates, Projects

Too little time…

Keeping up with this whole blog thing while still juggling work, school, and projects is harder than you think.  I’m no Stu Watson, and this is no Regarding Nature, but maybe it will be someday.  Last week was huge in terms of progress and expect this one to be even […]

General Updates, Projects

Still so excited!

This weekend I met Henry, the original purchaser/designer/builder of the boat, and his wife Birgitta down in RI to take a look at the mast and just generally chat with them.  What amazing people.  They showed me the mast and rigging then invited me in for coffee and I ended […]

General Updates

Time for a change

If you have ever met a Slagle, or more specifically Jerry Slagle, you know that we tend to do things a bit differently.  We are also prone to making radical life changes with incomplete information and without fully thinking things through beforehand.  To outsiders these usually seem to be random […]

General Updates

Blog entry number one

I’ve never really paid any attention to blogs.  I’ve read a few postings here and there when they’ve involved friends or a topic I’m interested in, but I have certainly never followed any.  I do so much dense academic and scientific reading for work and school that I have a […]