Author: Brendan


Mast installation

Over the past year I’ve learned lot’s about yacht design, rigging forces, and boating in general.  There have been some bumps in the road, but overall its been a lot of steady progress.  I spent much of last winter reading every textbook I could get my hands on that even […]


Mast Step continued…

Where was I?  Mast step.  Right.  As I may have mentioned in prior posts Creeky came with a lot of important parts and loads of potential, but very little in the way of instructions.  Most of the time this is great because I get to use my imagination and come […]


Minor update – mast step

I had given up on the idea of being able to adjust the position of the mast step with the mast in place until Charlie suggested cutting a small access hole in the foot of the mast. I was nervous at first, but it seems like a solid move. Boom! […]


New dock lines

I bought new 3 strand nylon 3/4″ dock line, which I had spliced by a guy at the store I bought it from. When I got it back I saw that he had finished the splices and cut ends with electrical tape. Not very yar… I removed the electrical tape […]


Furniture expansion

I suppose I’ll jump back into things with an update on my interior situation.  I realize that every time I make an update to this blog I talk about how late and overdue the post is, so from now on please just know this is the case.  I have been […]